Saturday, October 23, 2010

Whats stress like for others?

I know that at 15 life gets tough and you just want to walk away. Well try being in a spot that you cant get out of, try telling an older sibling that it's all going to be okay when you can't make that assumption, try being grown up at only 15 years old. Everything you approach in life is there for a reason. All these road blocks are only temporary. You can say that you want out..or that you are out, but who really knows when you are? I remember years ago someone told me I should take caution when it comes to my heart and what I want to do with my life. As I am sitting here typing this I am encouraging you to do the same. Really think about where you are at in life and where you want it to go. Whatever gets thrown your way is for a reason. Whether it be a death or a class that's tough or anything else, it's to make you push pass the easy things to get you through to where you are meant to be. No matter what happens you always have faith and family to carry you through. I lost my sister not to long ago, and it kills to know that it will never be the same. I can't explain what was running through my head when I got the news. I was scared, mad, hurt, pissed off, so incredibly frightening that I was stunned. All these emotions made me become stressed. I lost myself in the midst of all this. My parents became my priority and I shut out all my problems to help my parents get by. But in doing so, I couldn't talk about how I felt, how I was dealing with things, or even what had happened. i bottled up all my emotions hoping that would get me through the pain, well guess made things a heck of a lot worse. I had to lean on my parents once they were past it because I shut out my emotions. It brought back a whole wave pool of emotions for them as well. It ended up backfiring and hurting everyone.  So my advice to you...if you contain all your stress/emotions and help others, it will eventually hurt you more and make things worse for the ones you are trying to help because it will cause you to lean on them. Make it easier for yourself and admit that would are struggling just like they are. They are your support system...don't even forget that.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How does Animal Farm resemble everyday life?

In the book Animal Farmthe barn animals want to rebel against the farmer Mr. Jones because he only gives them barely enough, just enough to get by. He does not treat them the way that they deserve to be treated.  They want to be better than Mr. Jones but prove a point to him as well.  I myself, as well as others have a Mr. Jones in my life. I'm not using names, but I am still getting my point across. Everyone has a person in their life that holds them back from being the very best that they can be.  For example, maybe a coach that teaches the game you love does not see it the way you do. Yes, you might want to be competitive like he enforces, but you might also want to be able to have fun. Some coaches take that fun out of the picture and make it all about winning.  I have thought about quitting, so I would not have to deal with a coach like that myself, but when I reevaluated I realized what a mistake I would have been making. I had a lot of fun bonding with all the girls and all of us became really close.  Some of us still have our fun nights out just like when we were on the team.  Coaches may not be the only people.  Parents, teachers, peers, siblings, and everyone else has the ability to change who you are and what you believe.  You might have so much anger at someone that you might want to rebel and take a serious action against them. If you are ever in that position you need to take a step back and evaluate what you are about to do before you will regret it. Rebelling isn't always the right choice, but it can be depending on the situation and what type of person you are.  If you are the type of person who won't fall back on their decision and say I am sorry after then you might be able to live with drastic measures, but if you are not like that then truly think about what is best for you. There is an alternative option to everything.

Monday, February 22, 2010

What makes me powerful?

Many things in this world make me powerful in many different ways.  I was always raised to speak what is on your mind and let nothing hold you back, so in that way I am a very straight forward person.  If people start messing with me I am not going to be the person that will sit back and take all the crap that they are saying, but I will be the person that fights back.  Since I am a very vocal person, it comes with some downfalls.  Even though I may have a big mouth, I can easily get myself into a situation that I would not want to be in, but I also can get myself out of that kind of situation as well. Another way is that I am not a girl that you want to mess around with.  For example, if you plan on hurting me, you better think wisely about what you are saying to me and how I will take it.  Most of the time, I take things quite offensively and will somehow figure out a way to retaliate.  I say things that I mean and I don't mess around.  I have a very positive attitude and if you get in the way of it, you will be sadly mistaken. Because grew up in a very vocal household, everyone let out what was on their mind and let nothing stop them and I did the same. I still speak what is on my mind today, no matter where I am at.  Although I may act quite, I am probably one of the loudest people you know.  I let nothing stop me.  My life is exactly the way I want it to be because I decide what is powerful, and to me my words are the most powerful thing there is.