Monday, November 2, 2009

Here is yet another funny picture that can mean something great.  Everyone can have the one nervous breakdown, but it takes a lot of courage to stay strong when everything is going wrong.  Someone once told me that no matter what you do, if you stay strong you will make it out on top and you can become what you want.  That person has now passed on, but the memories still stay with me.  By this I mean that the memory of you coming out on top and you being the bigger person will stay with you, but loosing or making the wrong choice will just fall in with the other disappointments.  I'm not saying that the bad memories won't stay with you, but they might stay with you for the wrong reasons and that's probably not what you want.  Make the right choices and come out on top, don't end up like this poor mad in the picture.  If you would like to save this image, please click on it to see where I got it from so you can save it from there if you so please.

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